Sunday, March 15, 2015

My Moment

Today I'm having a moment. It's that moment when you realize that you're less than a month from your 30th birthday and life is good but not what you expected! I thought my career would be at a higher level and my weight at a lower level. Yeah, I get it...that's everybody's expectation but it still doesn't change my MOMENT. So like I said, today, I'm having a moment. It's the moment when you realize that your 30th birthday is less than a month away and you still haven't purchased a home or saved $50,000+.  Ok, I know that's a bit dramatic but nonetheless...I'm still having a moment. It's that moment when you realize that you're almost 30 years-old and haven't done nearly as much traveling as you'd like and have flaws that only your momma and God understand. Yes, you're very right...I still have time to travel and work on my imperfections but that doesn't change the fact that I'm still having a moment.  Despite my moment, I have to keep pushing and use my accomplishments as momentum for the next big milestone and the one after that, and the one after that. I don't have a single regret, I'm proud of my success thus far and have to admit that the years between 25 and 30 served me well.  I have and will continue to set huge goals for myself  because I accept, love and thrive off challenge. Oh, and by the way... I promise to have a moment at 35, 40, 45, 50 and beyond!  So with that being said, today I'M definitely having a moment. It's that moment when you realize that you are less than a month from your 30th birthday and all you can do is feel greatful!